As I mentioned earlier, I have completely lost my voice.
When I try to speak, it barely comes out as a whisper.
In case you were wondering, it is not easy to care for children when they can't hear a word you are saying.
I was really starting to get frustrated when time to make dinner rolled around.
I had a fridge full of turkey and a house full of people who never want to see turkey again.
I searched the internet and found Tex-Mex Turkey Soup and decided to make it to mix things up.
Things were going smoothly until I was supposed to add the tomato sauce.
My can opener wouldn't work.
It is one of the safety one so when Caleb digs through the trash he doesn't cut his sweet little fingers.
I broke my other can opener a while back and haven't replaced it yet.
The soup needed the tomato sauce and after the rest of my day, I really needed this recipe to work.
So, I did what any self respecting woman would do.
I ran to the tool closet.
I ran to the tool closet.

The soup was delicous even if it was Turkey!
Hey if it works, roll with it. Hope you are starting to feel better soon.
Necessities and mothers. That's what life is all about. Glad the soup was good. I'm also glad you visited my blog so I could visit you. We are practically neighbors!!! You are the first blogging person I have found that lives near me.
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