Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Delurking Day 2009!

I am declaring today Delurking Day!
My Statcounter has been steadily rising and I would love to know who has been sneaking around here!
If you are an everyday reader, a new reader, or just stopping by on your way through, please leave a comment and let me know!


kel said...

I'm new... but I love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Happy delurking day! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Your children are gorgeous! Off to check out the rest of your blog.
:) Robin
cinnamon & honey

Lindsey said...

hey girl.. its just me :) you are on my google reader so i will forever be checking in on ya now ha!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog often! Sometimes 3 times a day. I find the subject matter beyond interesting!
I think you are very BEAUTIFUL
(you have the eyes of a huskey), and those children of your's are second only to mine! ;)
Love your blog and Love u too,

Ashlee said...

Kel- I also love your blog! You my friend are awesome!

Robin- Thank YOU for stopping by! I just stumbled across your blog, but I can't wait until I have more time to look around!

Lindsey- Glad to see you! I keep track of you as well!

and Mom- Well, I love you too, but just this once you couldn't have left out the huskey?