The other day I had one lonely flower... Today it has 5 new friends! Aren't they gorgeous!

It has been such a long day!
I got some things done around the house before heading out the door this morning to take Mom to the doctor. I am going to warm those squeamish people that I will be posting a picture of her x-ray from today below... Two weeks ago, she got some disheartening news. Although everything looked great, she was not building bone fast enough to be able to put weight on it. She wasn't overly steady on crutches either, so he put her back into the wheel chair. Today, he told her that if she would use the crutches as a balancing tool, she could start to put weight back on it. She is still in the boot and probably will be for quite a while, but her spirits were up this afternoon!
This is Mom's ankle from today. The plate is not any thicker than a dime! And while it looks like the pins are going through tendons and such, other angles of the x-rays prove otherwise :)

After the doctor's visit I went back to Mom and Dads and visited with Nanny, Papaw and Jared Paul. Caleb loved playing with Jared!

He was so tired when we left, he was asleep before we even hit Pellissippi. I got him out of the car and put him in bed. He is still asleep an hour and a half later.
Georgia Kate is enjoying her favorite daily activity...Pulling the magnets off the fridge!
Adam found out this morning that he will be referee at his first Friday Night Game of the season! Lookout Jellico! Here he comes!
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